Learn how to support ALL of your hormones in a straightforward, systematic way so that you can feel better, get results and get back to life!

$497 $297 Online Course For Frustrated Women Who Want To Fix Their Hormones

Learn how to support ALL of your hormones in a straightforward, systematic way so that you can feel better, get results and get back to life!

Clinically proven program to help you address each hormone in a targeted order so that you don’t sacrifice one hormonal imbalance for another.

You’re tired, you’re overwhelmed and some times you feel like a Hangry B*tch.

We get it. We’ve been there. You are not alone.

It’s dizzying how much hormone information is out there AND what is a gal to do when this advice is so contradictory:

Do this for your thyroid, but do the opposite for your blood sugar and weight loss goals?

Exercise, no wait don’t, it will raise your cortisol!

It’s confusing and overwhelming because OF COURSE you have more than one hormone issue!

What if I told you that you can have it all? Yup. Honor all your hormones and unique goals with a simple hormone hierarchy.

Hangry is a step by step, 4 phase nutrition, exercise and lifestyle program that will let you balance your hormones and restore your joy!

Click the link below to get INSTANT ACCESS with coaching from both authors of Hangry….for $200 off!

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"I have issues with all the hormones per the HB Quiz and my cravings are always so intense, I’ve never known what to do to manage them. This might sound silly but last night I was able to go without any sugar or chocolate for the first time in too many months to count by using the high cortisol coconut butter craving buster recipe! For me this was huge and built my confidence that I can help my hormones if I listen!"
"I’m learning how to get it done. I knew I had to get my five walks in this week but was running out of time as I needed to go to the store. So instead of driving I walked to the store! So simple but this wouldn’t have occurred to me before. Thank you for showing me how to think outside the box and most importantly find ways to prioritize myself!"
"I really thought dep breathing was for other kinds of people, not me. I’m 34 years old, grew up in NYC and not a “zen” type of person. But then I started doing it….just to see. I’m learning to take care of my body and breath through the imperfection of it all. Thank you, thank you."
  • Weekly video coaching from Sarah Fragoso and Dr. Brooke Kalanick that teaches you exactly how to target that week’s plan. 
  • 26 full color, printable guides including hormone supporting recipes, all workout templates, graphics for all tools in Hangry like ACES (hormone talk: appetite, cravings, energy), RAMP (overtraining acronym), the Hangry 5 Habits and 5 Pillars, outlines for each week and more!
  • A full video library of all exercises recommended in all three of the workout templates in Hangry
  • Targeted supplement recommendations for each hormone imbalance you may have
  • Videos of various stress management techniques taught in Hangry such as restorative breathing, EFT (emotional freedom technique or EFT), 


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The Hangry Hormone Reset Program is delivered instantly in an online video format via a link you’ll receive from drbrooke@betterbydrbrooke.com. It can be accessed wherever you are in the world as long as you have access to the internet and a laptop/desktop, tablet or mobile phone!

How the program works:

While you will be guided on how to eat and how to exercise for your unique hormonal issues, as well as what supplements may be helpful, Hangry is not just a diet and exercise plan.

Hangry will also help you get more clear on what really matters to you, what’s worth stressing a bit over and what you can let go of. It will help guide you with overarching, big ideas that go well beyond popular stress management advice called the 5 Pillars designed to connect you to yourself again and minimize overwhelm. As well, Hangry provides a variety of in the moment stress relieving strategies, known as the 12 Tangible Tools.

Hangry is a 4 week program, well 5 weeks really as we suggest you take one week to get yourself set up for success. Don’t worry, we walk you through that prep week as well as all 4 weeks in the program.

While it is a 4 week program, you do not by any means have to be done in 4 weeks. With this online program you can take as much time with the material within each week as you need, moving on when you feel you’ve got a handle on the habits for that section because again, this program is designed to be unique for YOU.

You’re already busy, and Hangry will suggest a few new, important habits every week  to balance each individual hormone issue and we want you to be successful – the last thing you need is another failed 30 day plan. Each week will help you better manage your stress and get more connected to what really matters to you so that everything you learn in this program will stick with you. And again, you can take it at your own pace if 4 weeks is not doable, it’s no biggie.

This is your FOREVER plan, here’s why:

Hangry is not merely a 4 week plan. Rather it will TEACH you to understand what your hormones are telling you, to decipher the signals they send you letting you know they are in need of support.

This is what makes Hangry so different from other plans that address one hormonal imbalance or is designed for a specific hormone issue like perimenopause or thyroid or PCOS, etc. This program changes with you. Once you understand how to listen to the language of your hormones you will be able in real time, for the rest of your life to know when you need to make adjustments to your current plan.

No more searching (and paying) for the next big thing, you already have it!

Because  guess what? Women’s hormones are a moving target. What works now, may not work in a year or more. Your hormones will change. Your plan needs to change as well.

But you will not need to reinvent the wheel, simply pull out this program again, take the included quiz and check in, anytime, anywhere with your hormones and be guided with the exact tweaks you need to make to support your new hormone landscape.

Pregnancy, big life stresses, new diagnoses and perimenopause are but a few of the changes your hormones will go through and Hangry helps you stay ahead of the game!

Click the link below to get INSTANT ACCESS with coaching from both authors of Hangry….for $200 off!

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How the program works – the nitty gritty:

First you’ll have a Welcome video and an Intro video giving you the big picture view of the program and what you can expect.

After you’ve read the first half of Hangry (don’t have a copy, don’t worry we will send you one at no additional charge!) and had a look at the first pillar (find and commit to what works for you) and taken a week or so to get yourself set up for success.

Week 1 focuses on gut health (foundational for all of your hormones), lowering inflammation, getting enough protein and fiber.

You’ll also get to know the Hangry 5 Habits that are put together in a simple 54321 formula. Utilizing this framework you’ll start adding one minute of meditation, prioritizing those #mantrawalks and getting going on strength training if you’re new OR dialing down your strength training if you’re overdoing it with our Core+Floor Reset Workout (perfect for postpartum, post injury, etc.) and the Hormone Reset Workout.

This week will also focus on the 2nd pillar in Hangry: opt out of overwhelm.

Week 2 is all about understanding your blood sugar and figuring out exactly how many carbs you need, perhaps the most individual macronutrient there is.

You will continue walking and lifting and gearing up for the next phase of workouts. This week will teach you all about how to balance the blood sugar and stress hormones: insulin and cortisol. You will learn how they talk to you with the acronym ACES: appetite, cravings, energy and sleep and the precise changes you need to make to get them in better balance.

This week will help you with the third pillar: full engagement living. This one is so hard in our current world with so much distraction! But we have a ton of strategies to do better.

Week 3 will have some you shifting gears in the gym and getting your training back up in volume, others of you will stay with the Hormone Reset Workout – again this is all customizable!

This week focus on how to customize your workouts, how to progress your weights, understanding exercise intolerance by utilizing HRV (heart rate variability tracked on various health tech devices these days) and the acronym RAMP (reluctance to train, achiness, mood changes and puffiness/inflammation) and to know how much weight you should be lifting. And of course if things aren’t going well in the gym or you’re wiped after workouts, week 3 will help you fix it! Exercise is powerful medicine, this week will help you find the right dose for you and customize it for your unique hormonal imbalances.

During this week as well, you’ll be focusing the fourth pillar which is be your best friend. Ah, what if we could tune into that biggest cheerleader voice in our minds vs. the worst critic? It’s possible! We’ll teach you how this week.

Week 4 helps you hone in more on your female hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

This aspect of the program will help you adjust nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits that will specifically target a better estrogen:progesterone balance.

This week will focus on the 5th and final pillar: be who you are, because what is more stressful than not being able to understand and then fully express who you are, your truth?

And finally there’s a What’s Next Week where you can strategically plan out how to reintroduce foods you may have eliminated over the past 4 weeks, the next step with your strength training, how to know when you need to adjust your plan and how to return to this program any time things get out of whack again.

Click the link below to get INSTANT ACCESS with coaching from both authors of Hangry….for $200 off!

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Meet the Women That Created the Hangry Hormone Reset

Hangry was written by Dr Brooke Kalanick and Sarah Fragoso. Together they have over 30 years of experience working with women one on one in both a clinical setting and in the gym. They’ve coached thousands of women on how to exercise, how to eat and how to think to get from hangry to happy.

Dr. Brooke Kalanick  ND, MS, LAc is a functional and naturopathic physician (graduate of Bastyr University) specializing in women’s hormones, lover of strength training, mother of two girls and wife of a comedian. She hosts the popular women’s health podcast, the Dr Brooke Show (link to podcast page) available on all podcast platforms and sees patients virtually in private practice.

Sarah Fragoso is a best-selling author of five Paleo based cookbooks, certified nutritional therapy practitioner, gym owner, wife, mother to three boys, and mindset coach.

They teamed up to create Hangry and bring you their combined expertise and passion for helping women who feel too tired to be happy. Not only have they helped many, many women, they’ve also been where you are right now and want to tell you that you’ve got this, you really do, and they are here to help.

You don’t go it alone anymore with hormone imbalances that leave you feeling less than you best and at worst a hangry b*tch.

Click the link below to get INSTANT ACCESS with coaching from both authors of Hangry!!

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