Tired, stressed, bloated, period problems and gaining weight? Let’s fix your hormones.

If you’re sick of sifting through the mixed messages about hormones, diet and exercise and ready to feel at home in your body at last; if you’re ready to be healthy and happy again, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

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Dr Brooke Show

Newest Podcast
Dr Brooke Show #405 What Women Need To Know About Collagen
July 20, 2024

Dr Brooke Show #405 What Women Need To Know About Collagen

Collagen is not a new supplement but there are new collagen products on the market daily and most every woman I talk to is taking collagen or feels she should be. It’s generally a scoop added to their morning coffee… Read More

Other Podcasts

Dr Brooke Show #404 Truth About Natural Ozempic

July 11, 2024

You’re seeing ads pop all over your phone and social media feeds for “natural ozempic”. Supplements… Read More

Dr Brooke Show #403 Q&A All About HRT In Perimenopause & Menopause Part II

June 28, 2024

Second of a two part series answering all of your questions on hormone replacement therapy for… Read More

Dr Brooke Show #402 Q&A All About HRT In Perimenopause & Menopause Part I

June 26, 2024

First of a two part series answering all of your questions on hormone replacement therapy for… Read More

Medicine and Popular Nutrition Advice Has Failed Women With Incredibly Common Hormonal Conditions

It is rough out there for women with perimenopause, menopause, infertility, PCOS, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s or other autoimmunity, etc. On one hand you’re being told “All women feel that way, it’s normal” by your doc or handed a prescription without feeling you’ve been understood or listened to and on the other hand you’ve got a zillion internet experts telling you they’ve got the “secret fix for you”.

Both are infuriating, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

I help women every day who are just like you – and just like me – navigate this whole mess with sane, customized, doable solutions. Hang in there, we’ve got this.

Wondering which of your hormones are out of balance? Take my 5-Step quiz and we’ll figure it out!

The quiz is FREE and will help you determine what hormones may be out of balance for you. You’ll receive your results immediately along with some helpful information to get you started on the path to doing BETTER today!

Take the Quiz

Get your FREE copy of my Guide To Lab Testing & Your Hormones

This guide covers hormonal testing and thyroid patterns and will show you how to suss out the Hormonal Dealbreakers of inflammation, anemia and blood sugar problems.
Download Lab Guide
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"In an industry littered with self proclaimed experts, Dr. Brooke is the real deal."
Joe Dowdell CSCS, Founder, Peak Performance NYC
"As a woman with PCOS and Hashimoto's, I have no hesitation to recommend Dr. Brooke to my clients."
Molly Galbriath, Girls Gone Strong
"Without hesitation, I recommend her as a resource for anyone trying to look and feel their best."
Matt McGorry, Hollywood Celebrity

What Hormone Imbalances Are Hindering Your Health? Find Out Now!

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