You are not alone and you've come to the right place.

In a sea of conflicting and confusing information about your hormones, my mission to help you make sense of it all and lead to you knowing exactly what will work for you.

When you start working with your hormones and stop fighting them, you can feel healthy and happy again. Pretty awesome right? There is just so much info out there and likely I am not the first expert you’ve sought out. I know you’re frustrated, you’re overwhelmed, but that changes today.

Work With Me

Working With Dr Brooke

If you are ready to have a doctor spend one on on time with you (I mean real time, not 10 minutes or less) and listen to all of your concerns, answer all your questions and utilize advanced testing to more fully understand exactly what’s going on with you in order to generate  a personalized, unique treatment plan that encompasses how to eat, how to exercise and a host of other strategies to help you feel your best,  then you’ve come to the right place!

As a patient, you’ll meet virtually via phone or zoom so you can work with Dr. Brooke from anywhere in the world, you won’t even need to leave the house. Pajamas welcome.

Sounds great, right?

If you are ready to stop guessing or DIY’ing your health, or you’ve worked with other providers and are not where you want to be, the best way to start working with Dr. Brooke is to have a New Patient Strategy Call.

On this call Dr. Brooke will review your complete medical history, give you some immediate action steps and if you’d like to work together on your goals and concerns, together you’ll map out a plan for the coming months.

And yes, you will be working directly with Dr. Brooke not a member of her team so that you get the most expertise and most support possible for whatever it is you’re struggling with.

Work With Dr. Brooke

It’s My Mission to Help You!


Learn more about Dr. Brooke here  or hear so much more about how she can help you by listening to the Dr. Brooke Show.

Not quite sure you’re ready for one-on-one help? No worries, I’ve got you.

If you suspect you’ve got some hormone imbalances but are not ready to book a call with Dr. Brooke then her book Hangry: Balance Your Hormones & Restore Your Joy (written with Sarah Fragoso) is a great place to start.

Hangry is a 4 week program that has you covered when it comes to knowing what to do with various hormonal issues like period problems, insulin and blood sugar concerns, thyroid problems, perimenopause and of course fall out from chronic stress.

Learn more about the complete hormone protocol in Hangry right here.

I’ve Got A Lot of Totally Free Stuff Too!

Dr. Brooke Show

If you want to learn a ton about how your hormones work, to make sense of common hormone symptoms and get practical, tangible advice to live a happier, healthier life be sure to listen to (and subscribe to!) the Dr. Brooke Show right here or on any podcast platform (iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify).

The show is approaching 1.5 million downloads and there are 1-2 new episodes every week so there’s a lot here for you!  Topics on the podcast include:

  • perimenopause and menopause
  • thyroid health
  • digestive issues
  • skin troubles (such as acne, rashes, hives, aging concerns)
  • PCOS, endometriosis or other period problems
  • cortisol and stress issues
  • how to manage the overwhelm of everything women have on their plates
  • strategies for stress management and ways to find more happiness and joy.
Newest Podcast
Dr Brooke Show #420 Rejuvenating Peptides with One Skin Founder Dr. Carolina Reis
February 3, 2025

Dr Brooke Show #420 Rejuvenating Peptides with One Skin Founder Dr. Carolina Reis

I am always on the search for clean beauty and if it lives up to anti-aging hype that’s a huge win! In this episode I talk with the lovely and brilliant Carolina Reis, PhD to talk about the science behind… Read More

Other Podcasts

Dr Brooke Show #419 Fresh Take On New Year’s Resolutions With Your Big Picture In Mind

January 8, 2025

It’s the time of year when your inbox is flooded with both the push to make… Read More

Dr Brooke Show #418 Progesterone Q&A: What Women Ages 20-60 Need to Know Encore

January 1, 2025

The most downloaded episode of 2024! Thank you all for being here for this year and… Read More

Dr Brooke Show #417 Utilizing Menstrual Blood For Common Lab Tests With Dr. Sera Nasseri, MD

December 13, 2024

Dr. Sara Naseri joins me on this episode to talk about the exciting, at home, affordable,… Read More

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I send a couple of emails a week full of hormone help and a little love.
Do you

Have Any of These Hormonal Issues:


1 in 8 women are suffering from hypothyroidism and nearly 90% of that is autoimmune based, a condition called Hashimoto’s. (Autoimmune diseases cause the body to attack normal tissues, such as the thyroid gland, that it’s inappropriately identified as foreign, i.e. not part of you).

Unfortunately, this is one condition that is simply not being managed well for most women. Even if their thyroid issue has been identified – although many times women are told they are “fine” based on lab tests but they have the entire litany of low thyroid symptoms – most are still suffering. As well, the autoimmune component is being overlooked entirely.

The thyroid is the gas pedal of your metabolism, if it’s not being stepped on and not pumping out fuel and that fuel is not getting to the engine, you’re going to be stalled in your weight loss and feeling tired, cloudy headed and depressed.

All the while your periods can be painful and abnormal, your hair is falling out and you just don’t feel like yourself.

Learn More About Hypothyroidism


Menstrual issues, menopause and mood swings can make life as a woman almost unmanageable. With all we expect from ourselves ladies, feeling sluggish, bloated and irritable just won’t do. Struggling this way is optional though; and you deserve to feel better.

Premenstrual migraines, breakouts, cravings, infertility and even insomnia, simply show your hormones are out of balance. So whether you’re irregular, cranky or hot flashing, setting your hormones straight will give you your health and happiness back.

Among the most common female hormone imbalances is PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the leading cause of infertility in the Western World, affecting nearly 15% of women of childbearing age. Not only does this condition disrupt or prevent ovulation – and therefore pregnancy, but it’s side effects that include acne, fatigue, sugar cravings, weight gain, excessive facial or body hair, hair loss from the front or top of the scalp (similar to male pattern baldness) are extremely distressing.

PCOS is a multi-system issue affecting fat metabolism, the thyroid, as well as reproductive health; yet conventional treatment often lacks addressing the underlying issue.

Learn More About PCOS


One of the most rewarding aspects of a practicing healthcare professional is helping women have healthy babies.

Treating underlying hormonal and immune issues through nutrition, supplements and acupuncture, Dr Brooke will work alone or in tandem with your fertility team to get you primed for a healthy pregnancy and of course, a healthy baby.

If you are considering becoming pregnant or are well into the process, naturopathic medicine and acupuncture can offer great benefits towards helping you have a great pregnancy and birth experience. Dr Brooke can aid you in balancing out an abnormal cycle, address underlying issues such as PCOS and endometriosis or support you during fertility treatments such as IVF and IUI.

Learn More Hormones and Fertility

Weight Loss

What you’ve been told about weight loss is all wrong. It’s ineffective, inefficient and depressing. With all the flaws of the multi-billion dollar a year weight loss industry, it’s most egregious is that it keeps you being your worst enemy.

It’s sold you on the idea that being less, being small is the only way to be enough. But this is all wrong. It is about being more of the you that is already more than enough!

For years, my hormonal issues of PCOS, a sluggish thyroid and fatigued adrenals create a body that felt uncomfortable, unfamiliar and beyond frustrating to live in. My period would come and go at random, my sleep was truly horrible, my face was full of breakouts, my weight has difficult to control and I felt at the mercy of my messed up hormones. This challenged every insecurity I’d ever had. I felt not pretty enough, not thin enough…not good enough.

While I’ve never been drastically overweight, I’ve never had an easy time losing fat – despite my desperate attempts. I started dieting around age 15 having developed a loathing for my “big butt” (as my mother, perhaps unknowingly gave me a complex about). As I grew up and began to learn about metabolism and medicine, I felt betrayed by my hormones and my genetics – and I in turn betrayed my body at every opportunity when it came to weight loss.

Learn More About My Approach to Weight Loss

Work With Dr. Brooke

It’s My Mission to Help You!

"In an industry littered with self proclaimed experts, Dr. Brooke is the real deal."
Joe Dowdell CSCS, Founder, Peak Performance NYC
"Without hesitation, I recommend her as a resource for anyone trying to look and feel their best."
Matt McGorry, Hollywood Celebrity
"As a woman with PCOS and Hashimoto's, I have no hesitation to recommend Dr. Brooke to my clients."
Molly Galbriath, Girls Gone Strong

What Hormone Imbalances Are Hindering Your Health? Find Out Now!

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