Well I’m nearing the end of my pregnancy – which I have to say has been so fun that if I weren’t so excited to meet my little one I’d be sad that it’s over! What an experience…truly amazed at this body us ladies were given. Not running at my usual million miles an hour pace lately, my newsletters and blogs have been few and far between. And thanks to all of you and your trust in me, based on referrals alone my practice has more than tripled in the past few months! So that has kept me very busy but, I have been doing a fair amount of writing for other sources: I have a weekly blog at Martha Stewart’s Whole Living. A few of my recent posts include healthy foods that might be sabotaging your fat loss and 4 Simple Secrets for Fat Loss. I’m writing monthly at Best Of You Today with a bit longer posts such as this one on carbs that are often thought of as proteins and what to put in your naturopathic first aid kit. Coming soon is Demystfying Detox and making sense of natural sweeteners such as sugar alcohols….stay tuned! Also, as most of you remember about a year ago an Amazon.com reviewer gave us our one and only bad review on our book Ultimate You….and criticized me for being too fat to have written an effective weight loss book. My original response hit home with so many of you, so a year later I reflected on what I learned from this experience at BlissTree.com during their week of highlighting a positive body image. Now onto some healthy eating! Getting in more of the green stuff is always a challenge – and this hot, humid weather doesn’t always leave us craving hearty protein and salad (I know the ice cream has been calling my name lately!). Getting out of the “salad” trap always helps me stay on track. Cucumber is one of the easiest, tastiest ways I know to do that and here’s several ways to enjoy this cool, crisp green thing: Cucumbers & Balsamic Simply slice a large English cucumber very thin and drizzle with favorite balsamic vinegar and a dash of sea salt and black pepper. This tastes almost better later that day or the next day – but you can whip this up in a matter of minutes and forgo the salad. Enjoy with any protein choice – grilled chicken or cooked shrimp are both delicious with this. Israeli Style Salad Dice 2-3 cucumbers and 3-4 ripe tomatoes. Add 1/4 cup diced purple onion, a drizzle of olive oil and 2 tbsp (or more to taste) of lemon juice. Toss and season with sea salt. This keeps well for a few days in fridge – we always have a bowl of this around for a quick veggie option that goes great with any meal. Cucumbers With Yogurt and Dill Sauce 1 cup low fat yogurt, 1 tbsp dill, dash garlic powder and sprinkle of sea salt stirred into a easy, creamy dressing. Pour over 2 thinly sliced cucumbers. Great veggie snack with a bit of protein. Cucumber and Peach Salad Get this delicious, summer in a bowl salad on my Facebook page where you’ll find loads more recipes, fat loss info and tips for being BETTER! Enjoy! I’ll be out of the office until mid-October but will be responding to emails as I’m able to – thank you for your patience! And thank you all for your support these past few months.