Dr Brooke’s Insulin Resistance Protocol
Now you know BETTER, so you can DO BETTER! This Insulin Resistance Protocol is stacked with insulin supportive habits and gives you the specifics on:
+ what to eat and when to balance insulin for less cravings and easier fat loss
+ what supplements help insulin work BETTER
+ AND with purchase you’ll also get two FREE bonuses: Finding Your Unique Carb Tolerance and ACES my Hormone Talk Guide.
Insulin is a key fat storing hormone, so you have to have her under control if you hope to lose weight. She also bumps up the cravings and tanks your energy when your cells can’t heed her message (insulin resistance). Insulin also influences so many other hormones so balance is crucial for you to have happy hormones. Insulin is also guilty of everything from breakouts to the muffin top, so she’s a hormone to learn to master, no doubt.

Now you know BETTER, so you can DO BETTER! This Insulin Resistance Protocol is stacked with insulin supportive habits and gives you the specifics on:
+ what to eat and when to balance insulin for less cravings and easier fat loss
+ what supplements help insulin work BETTER
+ AND with purchase you’ll also get two FREE bonuses: Finding Your Unique Carb Tolerance and ACES my Hormone Talk Guide.
Insulin is a key fat storing hormone, so you have to have her under control if you hope to lose weight. She also bumps up the cravings and tanks your energy when your cells can’t heed her message (insulin resistance). Insulin also influences so many other hormones so balance is crucial for you to have happy hormones. Insulin is also guilty of everything from breakouts to the muffin top, so she’s a hormone to learn to master, no doubt.