
Dr Brooke’s Refreshing New Year’s Ritual

December 31, 2018

It’s New Year’s Eve and many of us are looking to the New Year with a few wishes and a few things we’d like to be different in 2019.

For me, 2018 was rough! Like really rough and I feel like I survived it but I most definitely don’t feel that I have been thriving this year.

There are so many areas where I want to grow, expand, create and transform and most of them all took a backseat this past year so I’ve got my work cut out for me in 2019!

This is also the time of year when we may feel totally off our nutrition and fitness game given the hustle and bustle of the last few months. Or we may just be fed up with habits that don’t work for us and are seeing all the many, many emails and social posts about detoxes, cleanses and other knee jerk reactions to feeling out of sorts right now.

I ask us all to take a breath……

Just a breath.

Instead of thinking about how we can lose weight or make more money in 2019 or whatever other ads are filling up your Facebook feed, let’s just take a breath and really settle into where we are right now with gratitude and move on with some peace and certainty instead of desperation for things to be different in the coming year.

While New Year’s Eve rituals typically conjure up images of staying up past midnight and drinking, consider instead this ritual I have been doing for almost twenty years now that’s all about creating an intention of a fresh start for the new year and having a bunch of gratitude for the year that’s ending – even if like mine, it wasn’t an easy one.

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Get new sheets for your bed – or at least wash the ones you have.

Not much else feels as good as slipping into fresh, clean sheets. Since sleep has always been a struggle for me I love this part of the ritual because it evokes more sleep-filled and comfortable nights in the new year.

Clean the slate and tidy up.

Most of us feel calmer and less distracted when we wake up to a tidy home instead of a mess. So make time to tidy up and clean up so you wake to an environment that doesn’t feel like a total mess! I know I feel behind right out of the gate when I wake up to dishes in the sink or toys all over the floor or papers piled high on my desk. We don’t want to start the New Year feeling behind but rather like there’s a clean slate to create exactly what we want.

Make an abundance offering.

Put out some fresh fruit in a beautiful bowl on your table as a symbol of the abundance – in any area including love, health, wealth, peace, joy, etc. – that you want to attract in the new year.

Spend the evening by candlelight.

This signifies the peace of mind, simplicity and quiet calm that we want to create in the new year. By 7 or so have all lights off and your home a glow with warm, calm candlelight. My kids actually love this part.

Make a list of everything you’re grateful for right now

…and give special thanks to the good stuff that came in 2018.

Make a list of everything you want to let go of in 2019

…be that habits, relationships, old ways of thinking, emotional reactions, any of it and then over the sink let that baby burn. Just let it all go.

Finally, make a list of what you want to create in 2019.

You don’t have to map out exactly how you’ll get there during this ritual – although I encourage you to this week because a resolution without a plan will likely be an unfilled resolution as we ring in 2020! Just let yourself dream big, without having a clue how you’d get it and don’t be afraid to say what you truly want for yourself or your family this year.

And of course if you want a glass of champagne, sip that while you make this last list.

If you have plans tonight do this before you go out OR do it tomorrow! There’s no set day that you must create your next twelve months on. It’s not about rules or getting it perfect, it’s about intention. So find some time this week to do this if tonight is already booked.

This will be my twelfth New Year’s Eve in New York City and my family in Montana loves to ask me every year if I will be in Times Square for the big night. As a New Yorker I can’t imagine anything more annoyingly awful than to be in Times Square on New Year’s Eve! Haha! It’s so crowded and cold and every year I wonder, “Where does anyone pee??” People show up at 2 in the afternoon and that makes at least ten hours without a bathroom….that makes me anxious, ha!

Nah, you’ll find me at home tonight doing this ritual and gently letting go of 2018 and embracing the opportunity to do better in 2019.

As for a plan that is anything but a quick fix to any health or fitness concerns you have, but rather will lay a foundation for you for not only the rest of 2019 but the rest of your life join my podcast partner and co-author Sarah Fragoso for our next Hangry B*tches group. We start Jan 16th! And if you pre-order our new book HANGRY you can get $50 off the price of the program – and this is the exact uniquely customizable nutrition and fitness plan from the book with us to guide you through personally. Get registered right here.

Happiest New Year everyone!

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Dr Brooke Kalanick, ND, MS, LAc

Dr Brooke Kalanick is a naturopathic and functional medicine physician specializing in thyroid issues, autoimmunity, histamine intolerance, and women's hormone issues including PCOS, perimenopause, endometriosis and infertility. She is the best selling co-author of HANGRY: Balance Your Hormones & Restore Your Joy in 5 Simple Steps. She is also the co-host of the Sarah & Dr Brooke Show podcast. To learn more about Dr Brooke click here.

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