
Better Everyday #100 Tethered To Our Health & Happiness

September 10, 2018

Happy Anniversary everyone! This is our 100th episode!!

Thank you so much for being here with us. Like any journey, this one has not been without its ups and down, on and off times, breezy spots and really tough spots. To celebrate this milestone we are sharing what we do daily to keep ourselves grounded in our intentions and what we do to get back on track when life happens. Hear exactly what we do first thing in the morning to set our tone for the day, how we check in as life pulls us away from what matters most and the one thing we both do get back into our power when it all feels out of control.

Don’t miss the upcoming FREE webinar with Dr Brooke September 16th, 8PM Eastern on Inflammation & Women’s Hormones – especially if you’re a woman with PCOS. Register here.

FEW SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE for our retreat October 4-8, 2018 in Chico! We’re hosting a workshop style retreat with a ton of hands on time with both of us, plenty of working out and exercise coaching with Sarah as well as digging in to your health and even lab work with Dr Brooke. AND if you loved hearing from John on this episode, he’ll be there helping out as well!

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