
Better Everyday #109 The HANGRY 5 Habits (mini-episode #3)

January 4, 2019

We’re back with habit #3 in our 54321 template which is 3 strength training sessions per week.

These days it’s way less unusual to see women lifting heavier weights and reaping the benefits of strength training but not only are not all women in the know about this life changing, hormone happy making, inflammatory lowering, anti-aging, confidence building habit BUT many are confused where to start or scared of getting hurt, feel worse when they exercise or their intense strength training is tanking their adrenals and thyroid.

The strength training templates in our book aim to fix every one of those problems!

We dive into where to start if you’re new to strength training and most importantly how to adjust your training to follow the hormone hierarchy in this episode. It’s an important one so we hope you listen in and learn a ton. We also cover our third of our 5 Pillars: Full Engagement Living. So much valuable info in this one, don’t miss it!

If you’d like to get even more tools for customizing this 54321 framework and find what works for you join us for our next live Hangry B*tches group starting Jan 16. Get registered here and find out how to save $50 on the program!

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