In this fourth mini-episode we break down the fourth habit in our 54321 framework and that’s at least 2 liters of water per day. We talk about the importantce of this basic habit BUT we also give some great tips for making this habit happen in a way you enjoy! And if you’re a woman with insulin or cortisol issues you may find you lose that water as quickly as you drink it so we troubleshoot that for you as well (hint: electrolytes to the rescue!).
As we have in the preceding mini-episodes in this series we also touch on one of our 5 Pillars. In this show we talked about a biggie: Be Your Best Friend. One of the best tools for this is tuning into the tone of the voice in your head so we talk about how to do this and more tips to master this pillar.
As promised, here’s the link to more info on choosing a water filter that will meet your unique needs.
We’ll be back with one more mini episode on our last habit tomorrow but be sure you join us for our January Hangry B*tches group where we can help you better customize each of these 5 Habits. Details and registration here.