
Better Everyday #43: Retreat Recap & The 5 Pillars For Your Bigger Better Life

April 28, 2017

Whoa mama are we ever still riding high after our three day retreat in Chico, CA last weekend!

We not only finally got to be in the same state but the same house and share the same stage together but most importantly we got to be live, in person with YOU the women this podcast was for.

It was a weekend full of knowledge, connection and perspective shifts spent with our amazing speakers and the incredible women who attended.

We are all dipping our toes into the hot water and getting out of our comfort zone, ya know, where all the growth happens, where it’s a bit messy and painful but of course worth it.

In this episode we recap the event for those who couldn’t be there and we share our opening talk: The 5 Pillars To A Bigger Better Life.This talk was born out of the need to help women have more energy and to sort out their health so they can be happier, to  set their priorities in a way that is in line with their true values and purpose and to finding their joy and live big.

As always, keep those questions coming to!  Follow us on Facebook  together or keep up with Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Learn more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well.

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