Better Everyday #57 Barbells & Stem Cells: The Anti-Aging Benefits Of Strength Training with Dr Tyna Moore

You can tell by that title that we were pretty giddy about this topic right?
Dr Tyna Moore, ND, DC joins us in this episode where we discuss the benefits of weight training from a totally different angle.
We are big fans of the barbell as you know for what it does for our capability, bone health, confidence and fat loss. We love that the weights have been proven to increase our longevity, improve insulin sensitivity and increase our ability to be stronger on this journey called life. But did you know also that weight training is anti-inflammatory? And anti-aging?
We got into the science behind why muscle is so darn amazing including its direct impact on myokines, a special cytokine released from muscles (think of cytokines as the hormones of the immune system) which help modulate our immune systems, lower inflammation and even improve brain health.
Strength training also helps repair and regenerate mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouse) and dysfunctional, sad mitochondria are a hallmark of aging. It just keeps getting better huh?
Muscle is the seat of insulin sensitivity which is a key to both disease prevention and fat loss; is a hotspot of hormonal health for thyroid, testosterone, cortisol and growth hormone and turns out it also keeps you young! Hear a whole bunch of new reasons to love the iron, don’t miss this show! Learn more about chiropractic and naturopathic doc the amazing Tyna Moore right here.
From Dr Brooke
I am sure you know why I was so thrilled to get Dr Tyna on the show! Of course I’ve always been a fan of what strength training can do for a body. Prevention of falls or decreasing the severity of injury if you do fall and increasing capability down the road, yeah for sure givemesommathat. And no other exercise changes the shape of a body like weight lifting so yup, pretty big fan of that too if that is the goal. Mentally, yeah I love how it makes our confidence soar as well. But the hormonal and immune benefits are so incredible too and sometimes we get so caught up in the other stuff we forget to talk about them!
Get you FREE copy of my Guide To Lab Testing & Your Hormones
This guide covers hormonal testing and thyroid patterns and will show you how to suss out the Hormonal Dealbreakers of inflammation, anemia and blood sugar problems.
Get Your Free Lab Guide HereAs a woman with any hormonal issues: adrenal fatigue, PCOS, peri- or full on menopause, low thyroid or autoimmunity, strength training is just so crucial to your healing. Its impact on improving insulin sensitivity will help a myriad of hormonal issues and something oh so important is this anti-inflammatory benefit.
What’s so insanely interesting to me is that signaling molecules called cytokines (again, the hormones of the immune system) that are part of tissue damage and repair which can run rampant in PCOS, menopause and autoimmunity as they are pro-inflammatory behave totally differently if released by a muscle cell than if released by other cells. IL-6 for example is pro-inflammatory and is found in higher amounts in women with PCOS and autoimmunity and even menopausal women. But when this same chemical, IL-6 is released from a muscle cell, it is actually anti-inflammatory.
It is so powerful to lift weights – not just cuz you can pick up a heavy load, but because you can shift your physiology and so drastically improve your health. Not only is the anti-inflammatory effect there but if you have sub par mitochondria (say thanks to things like MTHFR or autoimmunity and high oxidative stress) or have chronic issues like PCOS, low thyroid or Hashimoto’s you can actually make more mitochondria and improve the health of the ones you have….just by lifting some weights. This is powerful stuff ladies.
So if you are lifting but perhaps not heavy enough to get these benefits, grab my ebook to get all the details on how you should train for your unique and often multiple hormonal issues. And if you just plain hate strength training my advice is find something to love. Find something that you can enjoy even if you’d rather be doing something else. The sense of strength, the satisfaction of seeing the weights go up, the dopamine rush it creates, the fact that you can do a good push up or pull up, even the fact that it’s easier to pick up your kid or your groceries. Anything. Find something. It’s just that important for you!
ATTENTION WOMEN WITH PCOS – I have a new program launching in September all about PCOS. If you want early access, additional freebies and to be the first to know about the program to see if it’s right for you get on the wait list here.
We want to hear from you!
You can find us with your questions at And if you’re interested in getting on the wait list for our upcoming book test groups email us as well! The response we’ve had to this group has been overwhelming so get on the list SOON if you want in.
Order Hangry right now!
If you’ve ever felt like a Hangry B*tch and are ready to balance your hormones and restore your joy in just 5 simple steps then Hangry is for you!
For more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Keep up with us on Facebook together or Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well. The podcast is on IG now too!
Loving the show? Please give us a review over at iTunes! We would be so grateful for you taking the time to leave us a little love.
An update on our caribbean retreat! Payment plans!
Yes you read that right! If you’re interested in joining us in the Bahamas in October (and we know you are!) but your cortisol shot up when you thought about investing in this event we’ve got your back. We’ve arranged with Retreats Unlimited, the hosts of our event, for you to be able to use payment plans to cover the cost. Learn more about the retreat here and check out this option. We truly hope this helps more women join us for what will be an amazing few days.
Order Hangry right now!
If you’ve ever felt like a Hangry B*tch and are ready to balance your hormones and restore your joy in just 5 simple steps then Hangry is for you!