
Better Everyday #87 Protect & Love The Skin You’re In With Dermatologist Keira Barr

June 26, 2018

In this show we had the beautiful Dr Keira Bar with us to bust myths on vitamin D, sunscreen and anti-aging.

She gives us some of her best tips to feel confident and beautiful in your own skin and the top things we should be doing to be proactive and preventative for skin cancer. One of them includes getting naked! Tune in to hear more.

Learn more about Dr Keira here and grab a copy of her book here!

And the moment you’ve all been waiting for: Hangry B*tches is OPEN! Check out the amazing value you’ll get working with us for one month with our complete mindset, nutrition and exercise program that will finally help you know what works for you! The program has been open only to our pre-registrants thus far and the response has been fantastic – we’re sure to sell out our spots to get on over there now!

If you’re wanting to spend some time with us Saturday morning 11AM EST for a FREE WEBINAR: Why Am I So Tired get registered for that here.

Sponsors of this episode are our fav adaptogen drink Four Sigmatic. You can get 15% off using code “bettereveryday” at checkout. AND as a gift to our listeners you can get started with Butcher Box right now and get $15 off your first order AND free bacon! While you’re at it visit Dry Farm Wines and have some organic, low sugar, hang-over free wine sent over as well (and get a bottle for a penny with this link).

Get you FREE copy of my Guide To Lab Testing & Your Hormones

This guide covers hormonal testing and thyroid patterns and will show you how to suss out the Hormonal Dealbreakers of inflammation, anemia and blood sugar problems.

Get Your Free Lab Guide Here

Notes from Dr Brooke: You probably can’t tell from recent pictures of me, but my skin in the past has been a total nightmare. Even now, hormones quite balanced, it’s my first domino to fall when I’m over stressed, over inflamed, diet not quite right and when I’m not getting enough rest. I say frequently that I’m on a very short leash with my diet and lifestyle when it comes to my skin and it often feels pretty unfair – but it’s true.

When I had not idea what to do about my skin or how to fix my hormones (when I was in my 20s) I was super frustrated. The pill was often prescribed and of course it helped but I felt terrible on it for other reasons including weight gain so I had to get to the bottom of it. Luckily that struggle led me in part ot do the work I do today.

Paleo was a godsend and taught me so quickly how my hormones were affected by food. Over the years I’ve encountered new skin triggers such as histamine and more touchy testosterone balance now that I’m over 40 and my female hormones are not as solid, especially since I have PCOS.

It’s something that I’ve spent a lot of time feeling self-conscious about and a lot of time worrying that there are days when I don’t look like the “picture of health” as a “hormone expert should”.

If you’ve dealt with anything similar I’d like to share a few key insights I’ve learned that I hope will help you too:

First, TBU. True but useless.

It is 100% true that my skin is pretty sensitive to my diet and lifestyle and I can’t get away with much or I’ll breakout.

Most of the time I know why but there are still times when I’m like what the actual heck happened here? Is it unfair? Yeah, it is. It is true that it is unfair, but it’s useless for me to dwell on that. Staying mired in the unfairness just makes me want to eat food that will for sure make me breakout, dwindles my confidence even further and it’s entirely optional.

Order Hangry right now!

If you’ve ever felt like a Hangry B*tch and are ready to balance your hormones and restore your joy in just 5 simple steps then Hangry is for you!


So when I feel bummed out about how I can’t eat ice cream without suffering a breakout I remember: TBU. True but useless and get on with my day.

Next, even when we figure out what works for us of course we are not 100% perfect for that forever.

We makes some choices that aren’t always in the best interest of our hormones or a blemish free complexion and sometimes we suffer her fall out from that. But breakouts or not, peak wellness or perfect health or not, you still are worthy of love and happiness so opt not to give into the guilt and disappointment that can come with feeling like we could’ve or should’ve done better. Love yourself enough to let yourself off the hook and get back to taking care of yourself.

Finally, no one can tell from a look how hard you struggle to take care of yourself, how much work you put into your health or self-care.

It’s easy to feel judged about extra pounds, breakouts, lackluster hair, brittle nails, rashes, bloating, the list goes on – as if you should be doing better, should care more about your health or body comp or whatever.

Especially when you have chronic issues like PCOS, autoimmunity or are post-menopausal the fact is you can get away with a lot less. Another TBU. But we don’t’ always know someone’s autoimmune or thyroid or hemoglobin A1C by looking at them. And we have NO idea what life stressors they may be enduring that of course are hindering their health. So skip the guilt you may feel and don’t succumb to someone else’s judgement because wellness is not a contest you are simply doing the best you can given your unique set of hormonal and life circumstances today.

Order Hangry right now!

If you’ve ever felt like a Hangry B*tch and are ready to balance your hormones and restore your joy in just 5 simple steps then Hangry is for you!

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