
Sarah & Dr Brooke Show #170 What To Do Instead of Panic

March 23, 2020
#170 What To Do Instead of Panic

Friends, we are here for you. We know how overwhelming and scary the world feels right now amidst this COVD19 pandemic.

If you’re like us, you’re probably experiencing a vast array of emotions that are all over the map in the course of a few minutes – feeling optimistic only to feel overwhelmed and frightened five minutes later. Some of you may be reeling with panic over your business, community or vulnerable family members.

Some of you may be feeling anxious about being isolated. We get it. We’re going through it right alongside you so we recorded this episode to provide some helpful ways you can feel calmer, more capable of riding out this storm, more connected and helpful to your local community and tethered to the world community as well.

As well we dive into the utter craziness that has become supplement recommendations for coronavirus. We aimed to give you a calm, rational approach to what will help, what is speculation and drive it home that rest, stress management, nutrition, handwashing and social distancing are still our best best right now.

Links we mentioned in the show:

Take care friends and be sure you’re part of our free online community, we’re in this together.

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