Sarah & Dr Brooke Show #211 Less Overwhelm & More Joy with the Hangry Five Pillars
This episode takes you through the foundational mindset tools from Hangry: the Five Pillars.
These pillars are a framework to live your life from including how to commit to what works for you when it comes to food, exercise and lifestyle – especially when it’s hard to, how to decrease overwhelm, how to be less self-critical and more nurturing to yourself and perhaps the hardest of all: how to be more of who you truly are.
It’s a lot. It’s juicy. It’s a lifelong process but these tenants will help you create more of a life you love, find more joy and become more resilient in the face of stress.
Get a FREE printable guide for these amazing tools including the how-tos for each pillar. Grab that here.
This episode is sponsored by BluBlox makers of the most effective blue light blockers on the market (that block 100% of the light that impacts your cortisol and melatonin timing) which are available with or without a prescription as well as a new fav of ours, their computer eye strain glasses called Blulite – great for adults and kids! BluBlox also has glasses called Summer Glow for seasonal affective disorder and their new red light therapy box: the Hive.
Check them all out at and save 15% off your first offer with code: BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
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