The man himself, best selling author and host of the very popular podcast: The Model Health Show, Mr. Shawn Stevenson is here!
We talk all about his new book Eat Smarter and did our best to cover as many of the gems in this book as possible but there are far too many to fit into one show.
We take a big picture view of your brain and how much brain health impacts your health and how much YOU can impact your brain with your food choices. Hear Shawn’s take on food-mood, why we eat what we eat, how to think about macros and a whole lot more.
Get your copy of Eat Smarter wherever books are sold. Learn more here.
This episode is sponsored by BluBlox makers of the most effective blue light blockers on the market (that block 100% of the light that impacts your cortisol and melatonin timing) which are available with or without a prescription as well as a new fav of ours, their computer eye strain glasses called Blulite – great for adults and kids! BluBlox also has glasses called Summer Glow for seasonal affective disorder and their new red light therapy box: the Hive.
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